<% Set settingsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") settingsSQL = "Select sitetitle from tblSettings;" 'Response.Write dataSQL 'response.end settingsRS.Open settingsSQL, whtConn '******* sitetitle = settingsRS("sitetitle") settingsRS.close set settingsRS = nothing %> AMCCMA <% '*****GRAB PAGE NAMES FROM DATABASE TO CREATE SIDE MENU***** Set menuRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") menuSQL = "Select pagename, ID, directlink FROM tblPages where active = 1 and deleted = 2 order by pageorder, pagename;" 'Response.Write dataSQL 'response.end menuRS.Open menuSQL, whtConn, 1 recordcount = MenuRS.recordcount if recordcount <> 0 then ' menuRS.close ' set menuRS = nothing ' end if '*****STICK DATA INTO AN ARRAY***** data = menuRS.GetRows() '*****Setup for array usage***** iRecFirst = LBound(data, 2) iRecLast = UBound(data, 2) end if '*****CLOSE RECORDSET***** menuRS.close set menuRS = nothing %>
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